Things have been quiet here at CaliQuilter for the last few years. I returned to full time work as the Executive Director at a non-profit public garden in the city where I live. Gardening has been a life-long passion, and the ability to manage a beautiful public garden was an opportunity that appealed to me. The demands of the job left me little time for my quilting and design work.
A family member recently asked me to make a quilt for them, and while making that quilt I was reminded how much I enjoyed being in the studio, designing and sewing. Working from home during Covid mandates has given me the time to find more balance between the demands of work and the desire to do something pleasurable. I realized how much I miss the creative side of my life.
So, I am committing to a return to this space and I hope you will join me here for sharing the love of quilting.
Until next time,